
This a collection of stories that often go untold. Young girls deserve to know they have a powerful history in the field of science and mathematics. The women who overcame incredible obstacles to pursue their dream of studying science – their stories need to be told.

About the writer:

My name is Sarah Faulkner and I am a science journalist. I have a BS in Chemistry with a minor in Biology and a Masters degree from Boston University in science journalism. I am a writer at a news site that covers drug delivery and medical technology.

I love talking and writing about science history in a way that inspires people to learn more. Besides reading and writing, I love to bike, sing, play the piano, and be with my family.

My hope is this blog serves as a place to tell stories that are new to the reader. Women have made incredible findings in science and math and they shouldn’t go unrecognized. I hope these stories provide insight and inspiration into the world of scientific discovery.

To contact me, please reach out and send me an email at sfaulk93@gmail.com


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